How to Remove Whiteheads & Blackheads on Your Nose

How to Remove Whiteheads & Blackheads on Your Nose

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Like blackheads, white heads too are formed in the skin where skin cells clog and close a hair follicle. It's small and appears on the outer layer of the skin like a raised white bump. In medical terms it is known as a closed come done.
Though they don't look as ugly as blackheads but if they set in the skin deep, they can create problem to you. All such things as black heads and white heads spoil the texture of your skin by showing it non smooth and lustrous. You need to look after the skin to prevent it from getting whiteheads and if you already have them then you need to workout to remove them. They usually appear on the sides of the nose, cheekbones and where the skin is fine.


1. Set up a steamer. Turn it on. Sit by the steamer, face pointing to the steam. Sit in the steam for 10 minutes. Turn off the steamer. If you start to feel lightheaded from the heat, turn off the steamer and leave the room.

2.Wash your hands with oil-free soap. 
3.Rubbing lemon peel on the skin helps in reducing whiteheads.
4 .Wet your nose with lukewarm water
5.Apply a pea-sized drop of oil-free facial cleanser to your index fingertip.
6.Massage the soap into the skin on your nose. Do not forget to cleanse the sides of your nose. Rinse with water. Pat dry with a towel.
7.Pat dry with a towel.

8.Apply a nose strip over your nose. Leave it on your nose for up to five minutes. Read the instructions on the packaging for the exact time.

9.Remove the nose strip.
10. Drink fresh fruit juices and drink a glass of warm water with some lemon juice into it first thing in the morning. It helps in detoxifying the skin.
Try all such methods to keep away the white heads from the skin still if the problem persist then seek medical or professional help of a dermatologist.

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